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Hannah and Hank

Hank's Story

I found Hank laying on the side of the road and immediately fell in love with him. When no one came forward to claim him as their own, I knew it was meant to be that he stayed with me. Hank and I have developed a bond unlike any other and he is a very special dog to me. Unfortunately, due to Hank's circumstances where he came from, I did not know much about him and quickly learned that he was very anxious and scared of lots of things and people and he became reactive when overwhelmed. This caused me a lot of stress because it was hard for me to bring him places and introduce him to people without overwhelming him and putting himself and others in danger. I was feeling lost as I didn't know how to help him to allow him to feel comfortable and for others to see the sweet natured dog he truly was. 


I reached out to Kim at Scentsable K9 desperate for help. Kim worked with me to get to know Hank and develop a personalized training plan for him and I. On the first day of school, Hank was very anxious and scared and we needed to use his muzzle for everyone's safety. Kim was amazingly patient with him and worked with him to the point that by the middle of the session, the muzzle was off and Hank was comfortable enough to take treats directly from her. 


Each week as our sessions continued, I noticed a huge change in Hank and his reactivity when Kim first arrived for the session. Hank was so excited to participate in our sessions and you could tell he enjoyed all of the games Kim has designed for him and I. In our solo training sessions between sessions with Kim, mine and Hank's confidence continued to grow as we worked together. I felt our bond getting even stronger and I was so proud of him for his eagerness to participate in these games. It helps that he is extremely food motivated. 


With Kim's help, Hank and I have overcome an obstacle that felt unbeatable when I started this journey. I am so thankful for Kim's program and her encouragement throughout this process. We wouldn't be where we are today without her help. Hank and I now enjoy going to public parks for walks and he is enjoying meeting new family and friends to love and spoil him rotten. 


Thank you so much Kim, we love your program!



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Karen and

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Lillie's Story

After 11 years of not having a dog, and 3 years of searching, I finally found my girl, a beautiful little Aussie - Lillie.


Around 4 months of age, she began demonstrating signs of reactivity; I had a Dr Jekyll and Mrs Hyde. I then started to search for someone to help me, a 2 year journey that took Lillie and I down some scary paths. Her explosive episodes- lunging at other dogs, at people, growling at people, nipping at children - led me to believe that we were beyond help. I hired a trainer who used archaic techniques, tools, and methods that not only broke the bank, but made Lillie’s reactivity and fear so much worse.


Then I called Kim Mitchell (Sensible K9). Initially we chatted extensively about the behaviour issues Lillie was having. Kim had a plan, a 4 session plan that employs scientific based methods that works at Lillie’s pace. At the end of 4 weeks, Lillie and I can walk by dogs with little to no reaction, instead of my hanging on to the end of the leash while she barks and growls. I’m able to watch for cues that allow me to recognize and prevent any explosions, and am armed with knowledge should we be surprised. AND, I’m now able to have recall from across a field when another dog is approaching! 


With Kim’s instructions and guidance, Lillie and I are now moving forward. Lillie is now polite when guests enter the house, instead of jumping and being rude! Is Lillie fully trained - no. That will take as long as needed. But now I know what to do, how to communicate what I want, and can see so much improvement!!! So, Lillie and I thank you Kim.



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